Hinchliffe elected ACRL vice-president/president-elect
Contact: Mary Ellen K. Davis
ACRL Executive Director
(312) 280-3248
For Immediate Release
May 5, 2009
CHICAGO þ Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, coordinator for information literacy services and associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), has been elected vice-president/president-elect of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). She will become president-elect following the 2009 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago and assume the presidency in July 2010 for a one-year term.
Lisabeth Chabot, college librarian at Ithaca College, and Ann Campion Riley, assistant director for technical services at the University of Missouri, were also elected to the ACRL Board of Directors and will each serve a four-year term as director-at-large.
"It is an honor and privilege to serve as the next vice-president/president-elect of ACRL. I am excited to have a leadership role in helping ACRL continue to develop and flourish as an organization,” Hinchliffe said. “We must continue to build on our success and offer expanded opportunities for members to pursue their interests in meaningful ways. My goal is to enable every ACRL member to benefit from his or her personal connection with the association. Even in these challenging times of economic and social change, I envision a bold and exciting future for academic librarians as our institutions reinvent themselves in today's knowledge/information society. I look forward to working collaboratively with the ACRL Board of Directors in pursuing themes of advocacy, continuous professional learning and organizational agility."
Hinchliffe’s many activities in ACRL include serving as chair of the Blog Advisory Board (2008-present), chair of the Instruction Section (IS) Nominating Committee (2007-present) and co-chair of the National Conference Innovations Group (2007-present). She served as a member of the Information Literacy Competency Standards Review Task Force from 2007-2008, Institute for Information Literacy (ILI) Executive Committee (2006-07, 2002-03), ILI Undergraduate Student Surveys Group from 2004-07 and ILI Best Practices Advisory Panel from 2000-03. Her service to IS includes tenures as chair (2005-06), member-at-large (2000-03), secretary (1998-99) and a wide range of committee memberships.
“ACRL is delighted to have Lisa join the Board as vice-president/president-elect,” ACRL Executive Director Mary Ellen Davis said. “Her breadth of experience in ACRL activities will be an asset to the Board as it continues to work with members to meet their needs and to advance ACRL’s strategic plan.”
In addition to her work with ACRL, Hinchliffe is active in a variety of state and regional associations, including service in the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, where she is currently a member of the Public Services Working Group (2006-present). She served on the LOEX Advisory Board from 2000-07 and was a member of the Association of Research Libraries Task Force on Library Roles in Enhanced Environments for Teaching and Learning and Library Assessment Conference Planning Committee from 2005-06. She was a member of the Illinois Library Association Awards Committee from 2001-03, along with the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries 2001 Program Planning Committee and 2000 Preconference Program Planning Committee.
Her publications include "The Future of Information Literacy,"
The Information Literacy Instruction Handbook (ACRL, 2008); “Developments in Information Literacy,”
Bowker Annual: Library and Book Trade Almanac (Bowker, 2005);
Neal-Schuman Electronic Classroom Handbook (Neal-Schuman, 2001); and co-authorship of "Teaching the Teachers: Developing a Teaching Improvement Program for Academic Librarians,"
The Expert Library: Staffing, Sustaining and Advancing the Academic Library in the 21st Century (ACRL, forthcoming).
Hinchliffe received the University of Illinois Library School Alumni Association Leadership Award (2003), ONLINE Word Best Practice Award (2000) and Jane B. and Robert B. Downs Professional Promise Award (1995). She was selected to participate in the Frye Leadership Institute (2003), UCLA Senior Fellows Program (2003) and was elected to Beta Phi Mu in1994.
Prior to joining UIUC, Hinchliffe was library instruction coordinator at Illinois State University and served as reference librarian at Parkland (Community) College. She received her masters of education and masters of library and information science from UIUC and earned her bachelor of arts from the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota).
ACRL is a division of the American Library Association (ALA), representing more than 13,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.