Advance your career with YALSA’s half-day preconference

Contact: Stephanie Kuenn

Communications Specialist, YALSA

(312) 280-2128


For Immediate Release

March 17, 2009

CHICAGO — Library school students, new librarians or seasoned professionals looking to advance can find professional inspiration at Moving Up the YA Career Ladder, a half-day preconference offered July 10 at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the ALA.

Participants at the preconference will identify career opportunities for young adult librarians, understand how to identify and sharpen the skills they need to successfully transition careers, learn how to write effective resumes and CVs and assess their own management styles and the management styles of others. Attendees will leave with a helpful, practical set of tools they can use immediately to improve their careers.

This half-day preconference takes place 12:30 – 4: 30 p.m. Tickets cost $129. Registration for ALA Annual Conference is not required to attend the YALSA preconference. Registration is available at

For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audio books for teens. For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to, or contact the YALSA office by phone, (800) 545-2433, ext. 4390, or e-mail,