Brian Green receives Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award

Contact: Charles Wilt

Executive Director, ALCTS



For Immediate Release

March 3, 2009

CHICAGO-The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALTCS) is announcing that Brian Green is the 2009 recipient of the Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award. This award for distinguished contributions to serials consists of a citation and $1,500 donated by ProQuest.

Green is founder and manager of EDItEUR and has contributed and led the development of various standards that facilitate the expedient and accurate handling of serials processes and transactions. These affect several key members of the serials information chain: publishers, subscription agents, ILS vendors and libraries.

As manager of EDItEUR, Green spearheaded the development of the ONIX for Serials family of XML formats for communicating information about serial products. In conjunction with NISO, the ONIX standards developed currently include SPS (Serials Product and Subscriptions), SOH (Serials Online Holdings) and.SRN (Serials Release Notification).

He serves as executive director of the International ISBN Agency and as chair of the International Standards Organization (ISO) technical committee subcommittee 9. In his later role, Green has guided the subcommittee’s work in the development and maintenance of ISO standards on the identification and description of information resources. These include work, expression and manifestation identifiers for a wide variety of media such as the ISSN and DOI, as well as addressing issues involving identifiers and metadata interoperability.

Green is a frequent and important presence at library and information industry events, having spoken or presented at ALA, IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), IPA (International Publishers Association), NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) and UKSG (United Kingdom Serials Group) conferences and events such as the Frankfurt and London Book Fairs.

As the serials community continues its progress toward a more integrated environment, the need for standards that allow and facilitate interoperability among systems increasingly becomes critical. Green is a strong voice for such standards and a champion for the implementation of new interfaces between sectors of the serials information chain. His ability to bring stakeholders together in a common cause in eliminating barriers to the delivery of information epitomizes the profession’s core value of serving the public good.

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is the national association for information providers who work in collection and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation, and continuing resources in digital and print formats.

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.