Art Institute director headlines ALCTS events at annual conference

Contact: Charles Wilt

Executive Director, ALCTS



For Immediate Release

June 23, 2009

CHICAGO - The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has a great lineup of events for this year’s Annual Conference. Here’s a sampling.

ALCTS Forum:Â Creating our Future

You’re invited to take part in a discussion that will shape the future of ALCTS as an organization. What value do you want from your association? What should be the focus of that association? Share your thoughts with your colleagues. Monday, July 13, 8-10 a.m., Hilton Chicago, Continential A/B. Hosted by M. Dina Giambi, ALCTS President.

Stay for the President’s Program at 10:30 a.m. featuring James Cuno, president and director, The Art Institute of Chicago, as he discusses his 2008 book, “Who Owns Antiquity? Museums and the Battle over Our Ancient Heritage.”

ALCTS 101:Â A Primer:Â Who We Are, What We Do and How You Fit

Stop by the ALA Headquarters (new location) for an invigorating evening of ALCTS fun on from 7-9 o.m. Friday, July 10, at 50 East Huron Street in Chicago.  Hear speakers talk about their ALCTS experiences. Participate in a round robin of "Topical Table Talks" about ALCTS programs, interest groups, publications and more!! Whether you are a new member, a prospective member or a reinvigorated participant, there is a role for you!!! Come on down!!!

Check out the ALCTS 101 Wordle!

ALCTS Awards Ceremony

Honor the recipients of this year’s ALCTS awards from 5:30-7 p.m. on Sunday, July 12, Chicago Hilton, Waldorf Room.


The Future of MARC

A Cataloging and Classification Section “Hot Topics” Forum, 4-5:30 p.m. July 10,  Chicago Hilton Northwest 1. Speakers: Karen Coyle, moderator; Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress; Ted Fons, OCLC; Amy Eklund, Georgia Perimeter College; and Diane Hillmann, Information Institute of Syracuse and Partner, Metadata Management Associates.

Keeping the Best in Challenging Economic Times: Evaluating and Assessing Collections for Cancellation Decisions

A Collection Management and Development Section forum on the necessity of libraries making well informed decisions regarding which resources to cancel in these tough economic times. From 3:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 12, InterContinental Hotel, Seville East Room. Speakers: Paul Metz, Virginia Tech University; Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University; and

Gerri Foudy, University of Maryland at College Park

Authority Control Interest Group 25th Anniversary Program

The Authority Control Interest Group 25th Anniversary Program will take place from 1:30-4:30 p.m. on July 12 at McCormick Place West, W-179. Topic: “The Future is Now: Global Authority Control,”Â

Book and Paper Interest Group

Join us from 10:30 a.m.-noon on Saturday, July 11, at the Chicago Hilton, Lake Huron Room, for the first official meeting of the Book and Paper Interest Group! Topic: mass digitization projects with a focus on: what is the role of the modern preservation program in these initiatives?Â

CMDS Collection Development in Academic Libraries Interest Group

Please join the CMDS Collection Development in Academic Libraries Interest Group from 1:30-3 p.m. on Saturday, July 11, at the Palmer House, Adams Ballroom.  Topic: “Patron Initiated Collection Development in Academic Libraries: Sharing Local Experiences and Implications for Change."

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group (NRMIG)

The NRMIG program and business meeting will take place from 8-10 a.m. on July 12 at the Intercontinental, St. Clair room. Topic: “Metadata Librarian” - job description, skills and LIS education.

Check the ALCTS Newsletter Online, June issue, for more information and other events:Â

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association