ALA GLBT Round Table Celebrates Stonewall Book Awards

Contact: Isaac Tufvesson,

Communications Specialist,

Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS),

American Library Association (ALA)

(312) 280-2140


For Immediate Release,

June 23, 2009

CHICAGO - The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Round Table will honor the 2009 winners and honorees of the Stonewall Book Awards at a brunch on Monday, July 13. The event will be held July 9-15 during the American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago.

The winner of the Gittings Literature Award, Evan Fallenberg, will be present to receive the award for his novel “Light Fell,” published by Soho Press. Bob Morris, author of honor book “Assisted Loving: True Tales of Double Dating with my Dad” (published by Harper Collins) will also be present.

William N. Eskridge, Jr., winner of the Israel Fishman Non-fiction Award for “Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America, 1861-2003” (published by Viking) will make a video presentation for his acceptance.

The guest speakers for the event are Jorjet Harper and William B. Kelley, editors of “Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City’s Gay Movement” (Agate/Surrey). Harper is the author of two books of lesbian humor, “Tales from the Dyke Side” and “Lesbomania,” as well as an editor and painter. Kelley has been a gay rights activist since 1965, being the first permanent secretary of Mattachine Midwest and one of the gay activists who took part in the first White House meeting on lesbian and gay issues in 1977. He co-founded the National LGBT Bar Association in 1988 and was the Cook County Commissioner on Human Rights’ founding chairperson.

Tickets for this event will be available for purchase until noon on Sunday July 12.

The ALA GLBT Round Table was founded in 1970 as the Task Force on Gay Liberation, being the nation's first gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender professional organization. For more information about the GLBT Round Table, please go to the website