LITA Guide to Core Technology Competencies for Librarians and Library Staff debuts at Midwinter
Contact: Melissa Prentice
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2009
Ideal for public and academic libraries,
Core Technology Competencies for Libraries provides an excellent starting point to define and evaluate the right inventory of technical skills and management attributes for you and your staff.
Core Technology Competencies for Libraries, LITA guide #15 published by Neal Schuman and available in the ALA store at Midwinter, Susan Thompson addresses the core skills and requirements to look for when hiring and training staff.
Given the rapid pace of change in technology and library services, it is challenging to maintain the technology skills that librarians and library staff need. What are the best ways to measure and develop competencies to ensure your library is ready to support the next new technical system? If you’re ready to hire a new systems librarian, which requirements should you specify in the job description? If you’re looking for the answers, then
Core Technology Competencies for Libraries is just what you need.
Thompson and her contributors share their experience on technical competencies expected of all libraries and library staff, technology managers and systems and IT librarians. Success stories will show you how major libraries have demonstrated best practices in technology competency. Employing the tools in this book will help staff that works hard to also “work smart” and take advantage of technology to improve collections and service. Extensive appendices include core competency lists, personnel assessment checklists, job descriptions and training curricula.
ISBN: 9781555706609, 220 pp. $65. Visit Neal-Shuman’s Web site to order LITA Members receive a 10% discount on all Neal-Shuman publications.
LITA is a division of the American Library Association. LITA is the leading organization reaching out across types of libraries to provide education and services for a broad membership including systems librarians, library administrators, library schools, vendors and many others interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers. For more information about LITA go to , or contact the LITA office by phone, (800) 545-2433, ext. 4268; or e-mail: