Great interactive software for kids


Laura Schulte-Cooper

ALSC Program Officer



For Immediate Release

December 22, 2009

CHICAGO — The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has selected its Fall 2009 list of Great Interactive Software for Kids (GISK), which recognizes high-quality computer programs and digital media for children 14 years of age and younger.

The selected products are:

ItzaBitza, Sabi Inc.

Left Brain/Right Brain 2, Majesco Entertainment

Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Nintendo

Zula World,

Members of the Great Interactive Software for Kids Committee are: Angelique Kopa, chair, Harford County Public Library, Belcamp, Md.; Kim Bautz, Dayton (Ohio) Metro Library; Michelle Call, County of Los Angeles Public Library.; Sarah Erwin, Kirkwood Public Library, St. Louis, Mo.; Barbara Head, Multnomah County Library, Portland, Ore.; and Katherine McCabe, Briarcliff Middle School, Briarcliff Manor, NY.

For the annotated list of Fall 2009 Great Interactive Software for Kids, including recommended age ratings, visit the ALSC Web site at: