ABOS announces 2009 conference: “Honoring the Past – Creating the Future”

Contact: Marla Seidell

Communications Specialist

Office for Literacy and Outreach Services

(312) 280-2140



For Immediate Release,

August 25, 2009

Submissions now being accepted for Carol Hole Conference Attendance Grant, John Philip Award and Bernard Vavrek Scholarship

- The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) has announced its 2009 conference, “Honoring the Past – Creating the Future,” to be held Oct. 7-9, 2009 in Everett, Wash. Registration information is available at http://www.abos-outreach.org/.

Applications for the following ABOS grants and awards are also available at http://www.abos-outreach.org/. All submissions are due by Sept. 1, 2009.

The Carol Hole Conference Attendance Grant

The ABOS Carol Hole Conference Attendance Grant includes free conference registration and a stipend for travel expenses and/or accommodations for the conference.

The John Philip Award

The ABOS John Philip Award is awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions and prominent leadership by an individual in Bookmobile and Outreach Services.

The Bernard Vavrek Scholarship

In the effort to contribute to the education and training of library staff working in the area of bookmobile and outreach services, ABOS has created the Bernard Vavrek Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who is interested in bookmobile and outreach services and has been accepted (or is currently enrolled) in a Library and/or Information Services graduate degree program.


The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services is comprised of all kinds of libraries. Library administrators, support staff, governmental officials, trustees, friends of libraries, and professionals from other fields comprise this movement. The mission of ABOS is to support and encourage government officials, library administrators, trustees, and staff in the provision of quality bookmobile and outreach services to meet diverse community information and programming needs.