Coopey named RUSA’s distinguished ILL librarian for 2009
Contact: Liz Markel
Marketing Specialist, RUSA/ASCLA
(312) 280-4398
For Immediate Release
April 7, 2009
CHICAGO— Barbara Coopey, associate librarian, assistant head for Access Services and head of Interlibrary Loan for Penn State University Libraries, has been selected as the winner of the 2009 Virginia Boucher/OCLC ILL Distinguished ILL Librarian award.
The award, administered by the
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), recognizes an individual for outstanding professional achievement, leadership and significant contributions to the fields of interlibrary loan and document delivery. Coopey has demonstrated these qualities primarily through her nearly two decades of work at Penn State University Libraries, where she oversees all aspects of resource-sharing activities conducted on multiple systems and has broad oversight for interlibrary loan and resource-sharing initiatives among Penn State’s 38 libraries located across 24 campuses and the World Campus, Penn State’s distance education program. Mindful of Penn State’s role as one of four State Resource Libraries, Coopey exhibits leadership in her work that ensures that resource-sharing services deliver to members of the Commonwealth as well as Penn State faculty and students. In addition, her stewardship of the State Library Services fund has guaranteed quality library services for Pennsylvania.
In addition to her professional responsibilities, Coopey has made significant contributions to ILL scholarship. She is actively involved in research and implementation of on-campus delivery of materials and has a forthcoming article in the next issue of the
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve. Coopey’s scholarly accomplishments are regularly solicited for national resource-sharing audiences at various conferences nationwide. She has engaged in environmental assessments and worked on various committees within the CIC, RLG SHARES and PALCI to facilitate the sharing of academic resources. Coopey also serves in a leadership capacity for other ILL endeavors beyond her workplace, including Penn State’s Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) teams and the local chapter of the Pennsylvania Library Association.
She will accept her award, a citation and a cash prize sponsored by OCLC, at the RUSA Awards Ceremony and Reception, scheduled for 3:30-5:30 p.m., Monday, July 13, in Chicago as a part of ALA’s Annual Conference events. The exact location of this event will be announced on the RUSA website and at the RUSA Blog in late spring.
The Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need.à For more information, visit Not a RUSA member, butà interested in discounted registration rates on conference, RUSA preconferences and other RUSA events? Join, renew or add RUSA to your ALA membership at