Reverend Jackson, Fiels kick off National Library Week at RainbowPUSH Coalition headquarters

Contact: Mark Gould


ALA Public Information Office

(312) 280-5042


For Immediate Release

April 14, 2009

( Chicago) In recognition of the valuable contributions of our nation's libraries, Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., CEO and Founder, RainbowPUSH Coalition in Chicago and American Library Association (ALA) Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels spoke at a televised forum about the value of libraries and then read to 20 children on April 11. The event kicked off the 2009 observance of National Library Week and took place in RainbowPush's library.

During the RainbowPUSH Coalition's Saturday Morning Forum, which is televised, Reverend Jackson and Fiels discussed how libraries are an important community hub of literacy and learning; and a place people turn to during difficult economic times. The Reverend also reflected on libraries as community equalizers, and places of opportunity and knowledge.

Reverend Jackson read "We Were the Ship" by Kadir Nelson, winner of the Coretta Scott King Award, and Fiels read Dr. Seuss' "I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew."

For more information about National Library Week, and the various activities that will take place, please visit .
