ALA resources help “Worlds connect @ your library”
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Campaign Manager
For Immediate Release
April 7, 2009
CHICAGO – “Worlds connect @ your library” is the theme for National Library Week 2009 (April 12-18), but libraries can use these resources from ALA to help carry the theme throughout the year.Ã
- Campaign for the World’s Libraries []
Based on the Campaign for America’s Libraries, the Campaign for the World's Libraries is a public education campaign of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), ALA and libraries around the world to showcase the unique and vital roles played by public, school, academic and special libraries worldwide. Ã Since its launch in 2001, library associations in more than 34 countries have joined the campaign, and the @ your library® brand has been translated into
27 languages for use by all libraries.Ã The Campaign has just debuted logos in
partner country’s flag colors, as well.
At ALA's home for resources and tools for serving non-English speakers, librarians will find the results of a collaborative study between ALA’s Office for Research and Statistics (ORS), Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS),Ã the Office for Diversity and the Public Programs Office.Ã
The report provides new information about library services and programs developed for non-English speakers, including information on the effectiveness of services, barriers to library use, most frequently used services and most successful library programs by language served.
This downloadable toolkit developed from the study provides tips and tools librarians can use for serving Non-English speakers in U.S. public libraries.Ã Ã
The American Dream Starts @ your library Toolkit is a reference guide for developing and expanding literacy services for English language learners. The site showcases models and examples of literacy services for adult English language learners from libraries across the country. Librarians can see what their colleagues are doing to help new immigrant populations adjust to life to American life and preserve their cultures, from virtual library tours and practical living advice to literacy classes, interpreters, and multi-lingual collections.
All librarians interested in serving non-English speakers can join this OLOS discussion list to share stories, programs, and ask questions.
To promote the concept of a global community of libraries, ALA, through its International Relations Round Table (IRRT), encourages U.S. libraries to form partnerships with libraries in other countries. Ã Sister Libraries promote the exchange of information, cultural understanding, programs and resources where possible.
Sample media materials are also available in both English and Spanish to help libraries promote National Library Week.Ã Tools include a proclamation, sample press release, letter-to-the-editor, radio scripts and downloadable audio public service announcements.Ã
ALA Graphics products supporting the “Worlds connect @ your library” theme include traditional posters and bookmarks, as well as mini posters, luggage tags and a banner.
“Worlds connect @ your library” uses the Campaign for America’s Libraries’ @ your library® brand. The
Campaign for America’s Libraries is ALA’s public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe - use the Campaign’s brand. The Campaign is made possible in part by ALA’s Library Champions, corporations and foundations who advocate the importance of the library in American society.