New York School Library Systems offer AASL’s licensed institutes

Contact: Melissa B. Jones

AASL Communications Specialist


For Immediate Release

October 28, 2008

CHICAGO – In an effort to make professional development a top priority among its school library media specialists, Erie 2 – Chautauqua – Cattaraugus BOCES has contracted with the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) to offer multiple institutes on various topics across Western New York State.

Twenty-seven licensed institutes will be offered over a six-month period to school library media specialists from multiple school districts. They will have the opportunity to attend three different professional development events.

Funding for the institutes was made possibly by a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant awarded to the Erie 2 – Chautauqua – Cattaraugus BOCES.

AASL offers four institutes for nationwide license, including the School Library Advocacy Institute, Collaborative Leadership, Reading and the Elementary School Library Media Specialist and Reading and the Secondary School Library Media Specialist. The institutes offer a convenient and economical way to provide professional development to school library media specialists within a district or region. Presented by experts in the school library media field, the institutes provide eight contact hours for attendees. Licensees reserve the right to determine the date, time, location, size and cost of the event. For more information on AASL Licensed Institutes, visit

AASL President Ann M. Martin says, "Staying current on the techniques that are in the forefront of school librarianship is essential. The AASL licensed institutes are sanctioned workshops with vetted presenters who meet school library media specialists’ professional development needs. AASL is pleased to work with Erie 2 – Chautauqua – Cattaraugus BOCES to provide these licensed institutes."

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library media services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library media field.