Celebrate National Gaming Day @ your library
Contact: Megan McFarlane
Campaign Coordinator
For Immediate Release
November 11, 2008
(Chicago) From Absecon, N.J. to Yuma, Colo. thousands of libraries across the country will participate in ALA’s National Gaming Day this Saturday.
In the 21st century, libraries are about more than books. National Gaming Day focuses on the social and recreational role that video and board games offer to library users of all ages. Lots of kids play games at home – alone, with siblings or with friends.. At the library, kids socialize with their friends and play board and video games while surrounded by books, librarians and knowledge. Gaming at the library encourages patrons to interact with diverse peers, share their expertise with others (including adults) and develop new strategies for gaming and learning.
Libraries across the country are encouraged to participate in National Gaming Day by attempting to set a record for the largest number of people playing the same board game on the same day. In order to accomplish this goal Hasbro has donated a copy of Pictureka! to every public library in the U.S.
Of the more 500 libraries participating in National Gaming Day, here are just a few stories on how libraries have gotten involved:
The Ada Community Library of Boise, Idaho, will host a Nintendo Wii Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament with libraries throughout the county for children ages 6-14. The library will have board games available, and a family gaming night will take place on Friday.
Creswell Library of Creswell, Ore., invites library users to create their own board game as part of its National Gaming Day celebration. Board games and video games will be on hand for gamers of all ages.
The Marathon County Public Library of Wausau, Wis., will celebrate National Gaming Day in conjunction with the reopening of the library’s TeenZone, a special section of the library where teens can read, study and game. The party will include a video game tournament and a board game challenge with prizes awarded to the winners.
The Upland City Library of Upland, Calif., will make its wireless connection available to gamers with a Nintendo DS so that they can challenge one another. Gamers will also have the opportunity to use the library’s Wii and play board games, including Pictureka!
Tools to promote National Gaming Day including a sample press release, event postcards, script for public service announcements and posters are available at ala.org under the News & Press Center.
National Gaming Day @ your library is a national initiative supported by the American Library Association, and 2008 sponsors Hasbro, Top Trumps and Wizards of the Coast. For more information on National Gaming Day, please visit