Contact: Megan McFarlane

Campaign Coordinator

(312) 280-2148


For Immediate Release

May 27, 2008

Visit the Campaign for America’s Libraries exhibit space and write a personal thank you note to Julie Andrews

Public Service Announcements reach more that 30 million readers

This year Academy Award-winning actress and honorary chair of National Library Week Julie Andrews donated her image to a print public service announcement (PSA). The PSA was placed by ALA in national magazines such as Entertainment Weekly, O, the Oprah Magazine, and others, where it was seen by more than 30 million readers. In appreciation for Andrews contribution on behalf of libraries, please visit The Campaign for America’s Libraries exhibit space at ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calf. to write or video tape a personalized message of thanks.

All attendees who are interested in writing a thank you note to Andrews are encouraged to visit The Campaign for America’s Libraries exhibit space to obtain a note card and to use the area to write a message of appreciation. The exhibit space will be open from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., June 27 – July 1, and is located on the first floor of the Anaheim Convention Center and to the left of the entrance to Exhibit Hall A.

Video recorded thank you messages will be filmed at the exhibit space from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., on Friday, June 27, from 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., on Saturday, June 28 or 1 p.m.- 4 p.m, on Monday, July 1.

Andrew also donated her voice talents to radio and television spots that were picked up by stations across the country. PSAs can be viewed on
YouTube. In addition to the PSAs, Andrews kicked off the 50th anniversary of National Library Week on Sunday, April 13 at an event for the Los Angeles-based Wonder of Reading.

“I’m very proud to be honorary chair of National Library Week to remind people that libraries are places of opportunity, places where everyone can come together – regardless of age, race or income. Libraries are truly part of the American dream,” said Andrews at the event.

Messages may be used as part of The Campaign for America’s Libraries ongoing story collection. All messages will be sent to Andrews after the 2008Annual Conference.

The Campaign for America’s Libraries is ALA’s national public awareness campaign to remind the public about the value of libraries and librarians. For more information visit