Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant winner to be honored at annual PR Forum

Contact: Megan McFarlane

Campaign Coordinator

(312) 280-2148


For Immediate Release

May 20, 2008

Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant winner to be honored at annual PR Forum

Video and photographs of the promotion available online

Tony Tallent of the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC),
winner of the 2008 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week grant, will be honored at the
PR Forum at the 2008 Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calf.

National Library Week Subcommittee chair Lisa Rice will present Tallent, director of youth and outreach services at the Charlotte, N.C., library, with an honorary “@ your library” library card and recognize the library for its achievements in promoting National Library Week. The PR Forum will be held on Sunday, June 29, 8-10 a.m., at the Hilton Anaheim in Pacific Ballroom B.

Tallent will also be available to discuss the library’s award-winning proposal and National Library Week activities at Swap & Shop, also on Sunday, from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Anaheim Convention Center in Special Events Area D. Swap & Shop features promotional materials from libraries across North America, available for all attendees to peruse and take home. It is sponsored by the Public Relations and Marketing Section of the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA). Copies of the 2009 grant application will be available at the event.

The $5,000 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week grant is awarded annually for the best public awareness campaign in support of National Library Week and its theme.

As part of its National Library Week promotions, PLCMC hosted two public concerts with the nationally recognized band Lunch Money. Concerts were held at both ImaginOn: Joe and Joan Martian Center, a library and theater center created by PLCMC and the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, and at the New York Public Library’s Donnell Central location. Footage of the concert in Charlotte is now available on

Photos from the concert as well as from other activities that promoted the week’s “Join the circle of knowledge @ your library” theme can been seen on
PLCMC’s Flickr page.

The annual PR Forum, one of the most anticipated programs for library public relations and marketing professionals at the ALA Annual Conference, is coordinated by the PR Assembly, a subcommittee of the ALA Public Awareness Committee. The program is geared toward library public relations and marketing professionals but all ALA members are encouraged to attend. This year’s topic is Diversity @ your library: Broadening Your Audience and Engaging Communities.

@ your library® is the brand for The Campaign for America's Libraries, ALA’s public awareness campaign to promote the value of libraries and librarians. To learn more about the Campaign visit the Campaign Web site at