Accessibility is theme for 2008 Diversity and Outreach Fair

Contact: Isaac Tufvesson

Diversity Fair

(800) 545-2433 ext. 2140

For Immediate Release,

March 7, 2008

Accessibility is theme for 2008 Diversity and Outreach Fair

CHICAGO - The American Library Association invites members from all types of libraries to participate in the Diversity and Outreach Fair taking place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 28, during the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif. The Fair is organized by the Office for Literacy and Outreach Services as a way to celebrate examples of diversity in American libraries and to demonstrate possibilities for other libraries in search of “diversity in action” ideas. Selected applicants will share their diversity initiatives in face-to-face presentations with conferees through a poster session and conversation.

Participants in the 2008 Diversity and Outreach Fair should address at least one of the following topics:

  • Accessibility

    o Service to People with Disabilities

    o Access to Technology

    o Innovative Solutions to Accessibility Issues

    o Innovative Services to Homebound People

    o Innovative Services to Other Underserved or Underrepresented Communities

Other topics may include:

  • Library services to those who are:
    • Poor and homeless
    • People of color
    • English language learners
    • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
    • New Americans
    • New and non-readers and other literacy issues
    • Older adults
    • People living in rural areas
    • Incarcerated & ex-offenders
  • Mobile Library Services and Bookmobiles
  • Other (e.g., professional development, community partnerships, staff development and training)

The Diversity Fair was first held at the Annual Conference in 1998 by the ALA's Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS), and is sponsored by DEMCO.
Over the years the fair has highlighted “diversity-in-action” initiatives from library outreach programs across the country. It encourages librarians addressing diversity programs, activities and services in local libraries to share their resources with others. Presenters share information in poster sessions and informal conversations with conference attendees.

Prizes will be awarded by DEMCO for best displays.
The “Best of Show” recognition for creativity, visual appeal and stated impact on local community include:

First Place: $200 DEMCO gift certificate

Second Place: $100 DEMCO gift certificate

3. Third Place: $50 DEMCO gift certificate

To participate in the 2008 Diversity Fair, complete the online entry form available at
Or print and Fax to (312) 280-3256, Attn: Isaac Tufvesson.

DEADLINE for receipt of entry form is
April 11. Those selected will be notified by
April 21 via e-mail or fax from OLOS. Questions may be directed to Isaac Tufvesson at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2140, ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611 or by e-mil