Antioch Public Library is selected for the ASCLA-KLAS-NOD Award

Contact: Eileen Hardy<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Marketing Specialist

(312) 280-4398


For Immediate Release

Antioch Public Library is selected for the ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award

CHICAGO —The Antioch Public Library, Antioch (Calif.), a community library of the Contra Costa County Library, is the 2008 recipient of the ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award administered by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

Donated by Keystone Systems, Inc., the $1,000 award and certificate is given to a library organization that has provided services for people with disabilities.

“We are pleased to help recognize Antioch Public Library for their creative leadership demonstrated in their partnership with ARC Inroads to offer the Wednesday Club,” said Kay Holloman, CEO of Keystone Systems.

The Antioch Public Library worked in concert with ARC Inroads, a community agency, on the Wednesday Club. The Wednesday Club based its monthly series of imaginative, lively programs on the participants’ input and provided a venue for group members to express themselves in delightful art and writings revealing their rapport with the librarians. The programs included “This is Your Library,” “Fire Safety in the Home,” “Read to the Dogs,” “Animals in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Forest” and “InvestiGators Summer Reading Program,” which was especially designed to encourage participants to enjoy reading more and to “investigate” the library.

‘The Antioch Public Library was chosen for this award for its successful outreach to adults with developmental disabilities, a group seldom served by libraries,” said Kathleen Hegarty, ASCLA award committee chair. “Its approach, which emphasizes a welcoming attitude, group participation in program planning and partnership with a community agency, could well be employed by other libraries seeking to reach this underserved population. The Antioch Public Library program presents an inspiring model.”

The award will be presented during the ASCLA Awards Ceremony 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on June 29, during the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim (Calif.).