Contact: George Eberhart

American Libraries

(312) 280-4212


For Immediate Release

June 18, 2008

American Libraries panel spotlights future of reference databases

American Libraries Direct Editor George Eberhart will moderate “Speaking Technically,” a panel discussion with experts from seven major library database publishers who will talk about their new products and ideas for enhanced services. The session will take place on the Library Product Spotlight stage of the Orange County Theater in the exhibit hall on Sunday, June 29, from 3-4 p.m., during the American Library Association’s Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif.

Scheduled to appear are Jim Draper, vice president and publisher, Gale/Cengage Learning; Stephen Rhind-Tutt, president, Alexander Street Press; Christopher Warnock, CEO, eBrary; Michael Gorrell, CIO, EBSCO; Kevin Ohe, editorial director, Electronic Products, Greenwood Publishing Group; Anthony Paredes, Vice President, Capital IQ, Standard & Poor's; and Linda Goldberg, Vice President, User Experience, ProQuest.

“Our panel is eminently qualified to discuss the nature and function of reference databases in the near future,” Eberhart said. “We expect to cover such topics as research and development, preservation, metadata, creative licensing and privacy.”

Watch the conversation unfold as the editor of ALA’s weekly e-newsletter asks this cutting-edge group of technologists to look into the future of library reference work.

The program is cosponsored by
American Libraries and
Booklist/Reference Books Bulletin magazines and the ALA Exhibits Round Table. The program is open to all conference registrants and exhibits pass holders. A feature article based on the panel discussion and the Q&A session that will be part of the program is scheduled for the August issue of
American Libraries, the flagship magazine of ALA, which circulates to 100,000 readers around the country and the world.
American Libraries Direct is ALA’s weekly e-newsletter, bringing the latest news to the desktops of library and information science and technology professionals.