Libraries nationwide receiving ALA-APA Library Salary Survey

Contact: Jenifer Grady

Director, ALA-Allied Professional Association

(312) 280-2424

For Immediate Release,

January 29, 2008

Libraries nationwide receiving ALA-APA Library Salary Survey

CHICAGO - Library directors and human Resources staff, check your mail. Almost 4,000 public and academic libraries are being asked to participate in the 2008 ALA-APA Library Salary Survey. This year, the survey asks for salary data for six librarian titles. The deadline is Friday, Feb. 29, for completing the web-based survey. Survey letters with instructions are addressed to the attention of the library director or human resources manager and are in envelopes with the ALA-APA logo.

In order to thank participants, all responding institutions will be given 30-day access to the ALA-APA Library Salary Database - - as well as a discount on the printed survey. The public and academic libraries receiving the letter are part of a scientifically selected sample, chosen to reflect the variety of sizes of libraries as well as to ensure that the sample will be statistically significant for state salary data reporting. It is very important that all who are asked to participate respond so that the surveys provide the highest quality information to managers who set and benchmark salaries and for librarians who are in the process of evaluating their career prospects.

ALA has collected and published salary information on librarians with ALA-accredited master's degrees since 1982. ALA-APA continues to consult with the ALA Office for Research and Statistics to conduct the survey, which reports data for five public library sizes and three academic library types by region and state. This year's supplemental question asks about employer-provided benefits.

If you have any questions, please contact the ALA-APA Office at 800-545-2433, ext.2424 or e-mail

ALA-APA: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees is a service organization to the American Library Association and the library community. It has two missions: providing certification in specializations of librarianship and advocacy for salary improvement efforts.