YALSA names 2008 Selected Audiobooks

Contact: Stephanie Kuenn

Communications Specialist, YALSA

(312) 280-2128


For Immediate Release,

January 22, 2008

YALSA names 2008 Selected Audiobooks

PHILADELPHIA -The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest-growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), today announced its 2008 Selected Audiobooks list. The list for those ages 12-18 is drawn from the previous two years of spoken-word releases and presented annually at the ALA Midwinter Meeting.

The 2008 Selected Audiobooks features a wide range of recordings, with 21 fiction titles and one nonfiction title representing diverse genres and styles, including fantasy, historical fiction and adventure. The full list of 22 titles can be found at
www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists. The annotated list is available to YALSA members only at

"People say teens don't listen. But they listen to audiobooks," said Sarah McCarville, committee chair. "After nearly 400 hours of listening, we know these are the ones teens will be clamoring for."

Members of the Selected Audiobooks Committee are: Sarah McCarville, chair, Grand Rapids (Mich.) Public Library; Lee Catalano, Multnomah County Library, Portland, Ore.; Shari Fesko, Southfield (Mich.) Public Library; LeNee Gatton, Enterprise, Ala.; Julie Halpern-Cordell, Carleton Washburne School, Winnetka, Ill.; Kristin Brand Heathcock, Hillsborough Community College, Plant City, Fla.; Nichole King, Santa Clara County Library, Morgan Hill, Calif.; Emily Jones, Lynnwood, Wash.; Drue Anne Wagner-Mees, Los Angeles Public Library, Brentwood Branch; and Sue-Ellen Beauregard, consultant,
Booklist, Chicago, Ill.

For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audio books for teens. For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to
www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390; or e-mail: