First LBI Cunha/Swartzburg award to Ryder

Contact: Charles Wilt

Executive Director, ALCTS

(312) 280-5030

For Immediate Release,

February 26, 2008

First LBI Cunha/Swartzburg award to Ryder

CHICAGO - Becky Ryder is the winner of the inaugural LBI George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award. The Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) of ALCTS will present the award on Sunday, June 29, at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2008 American Library Association meeting in Anaheim, Calif. The Cunha/Swartzburg Award is sponsored by LBI: The Library Binding Institute and includes a $1,250 grant and citation.

Established in 2007, the award honors the memory of George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg, early leaders in cooperative preservation programming and strong advocates for collaboration in the field of preservation. The award acknowledges and supports cooperative preservation projects and/or rewards individuals or groups that foster collaboration for preservation goals.

Ryder, head of the preservation department at the University of Kentucky Libraries, has made a wealth of contributions to the preservation field. She has an ongoing commitment to collaboration in advancing the preservation of library and archival materials and serves as an educator in both formal educational and professional development settings.

With her expertise in preservation microfilming efforts, she has readily moved that expertise into the digital environment. For 12 years she was project director of the SOLINET/ASERL cooperative microfilming projects. Ms. Ryder also has served as project co-manager of “Beyond the Shelf: Serving Historic Kentuckiana Through Virtual Access,” through which 2,700 titles serving as the premier representation of Kentucky history are available through the Kentucky Virtual Library. She has been an integral part of the University of Kentucky National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) team, since the inception of the program in 2005. Taking lessons learned from NDNP, she and her institutional colleagues developed the “Meta - Morphosis” conference to share approaches in converting early newspapers on microfilm and preserving the resulting digital content. Ryder's work with the Keenland Racetrack Library on a hybrid microfilm/digital project makes available a keyword searchable digital archive of the Triple Crown race coverage, while preserving the physical volumes and addressing long-term storage of the digital files.

Ryder's broader collaborative service to preservation includes membership on SOLINET's preservation advisory committee and her work as an adjunct professor at the University of Kentucky School of Library and Information Science.

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation, and continuing resources in digital and print formats.

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.