Arlene Weber Morales receives 2008 YALSA/Frances Henne Research Grant
Contact: Stephanie Kuenn
Communications Specialist, YALSA
(312) 280-2128
For Immediate Release,
February 5, 2008
Arlene Weber Morales receives 2008 YALSA/Frances Henne Research Grant
CHICAGO - The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), named Arlene Weber Morales the 2008 recipient of the YALSA/ Frances Henne Research Grant. Arlene Weber Morales is a school library media specialist at Midwood High School in Brooklyn, N.Y.
This grant of $500 provides seed money for small-scale projects that will encourage research that responds to the YALSA Research Agenda.
Morales' proposed study is titled, “School Library Media Specialists' Instruction Improves the Academic Performance of Students' Research and Technology Skills.” In the proposal, Morales writes: “Scant bibliographic research regarding information and technology skills is available. A recent search of the Elsevier Science Direct Database revealed limited and some outdated research measuring students' abilities on a middle/high school level… If the quality of instruction on the middle/high school or preparatory level is examined in depth and recommendations made, then we could better serve our students and clientele in preparation for college.”
Morales' project involves two groups of students, one of which will receive bibliographic instruction from a certified library media specialist and one of which will not. All student participants will take the iSkills Assessment, providing evidence of the difference bibliographic instruction can make.
Members of this year's Frances Henne Award Jury are: Amanda Moss, chair, Maywood Elementary School, Monona, Wis.; Jami L. Jones, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C.; Daphne Daly, Pima County Public Library, Tucson, Ariz.; Heidi Dolamore, San Carlos Library, Calif.; and Mary Arnold, Cuyahoga County Library, Maple Heights, Ohio.
Applications for the 2009 Frances Henne YALSA/VOYA Research Grant are available from the YALSA Web site at Applications for the grant are due in the YALSA Office by Dec. 1.
For 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audiobooks for teens. For more information about these awards or for additional lists of recommended reading, go to For more information about YALSA, please contact us via e-mail,; or by phone at 1 (800)545-2433 ext. 4390.