Check it outback @ your library
Contact: Megan McFarlane
Campaign Coordinator
For Immediate Release
December 9, 2008
Australian library profiled for 2.0 excellence
(Chicago) If you visit the Picton Branch of the Wollondilly Library in New South Wales, Australia you will be greeted by the words “Find it @ your library.”
The library was recently featured in a series of videocasts that feature best cases practices of how libraries around the globe are using Web 2.0 materials. The videos were created to help showcase these examples and provide a forum where other libraries could view and learn from them.
Gail Dunn, leader of the Library and Information Services at the library, highlights her passion for words during library tours. She posts key words around the circulation desk; discover, explore, indulge.
Dunn finds ways to incorporate the @ your library brand, using phrases like "Get a life @ your library."
Dunn explains that the idea came from an episode she overheard where a teenage boy teased his friend and told him to “get a life” when he mentioned a need to visit the library.
“I thought about it, and I thought that’s what he is doing, he’s getting a life by coming in here,” said Dunn. “So I thought I’ll turn that around and use it to our advantage.”
The library continues to use the @ your library brand as its “billboard advertisement,” to promote internet classes and drug information programming.
To view the videocast visit Also available on the Web site is a link to subscribe to podcasts on iTunes.
Australia is a member of the Campaign for the World’s Libraries, part of the Campaign for America’s Libraries (, ALA’s public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe - use the Campaign’s @ your library® brand. The Campaign is made possible in part by ALA’s Library Champions, ALA’s highest level of corporate members.