Join YALSA for 2009 Road Trip to library conferences in every state

Stephanie Kuenn

YALSA Communications Specialist



For Immediate Release

August 26, 2008

CHICAGO — The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), launched a new initiative this month called the YALSA Road Trip, in which YALSA will strive to attend a library conference in every state in 2009. YALSA is now seeking volunteers to host a social event, plan a program or staff an exhibit booth at all state library conferences next year.

“With more than 5,600 members, it can be overwhelming for members to get to know each other. Bringing YALSA to the state level is one way to do this,” said YALSA President Sarah Cornish Debraski. “It can bring more networking opportunities to YALSA members, and it also lets YALSA members take a more proactive role in their organization.”

The initiative grew out of Debraski’s presidential theme, Engaging the YALSA Community, as well as member feedback asking for more localized opportunities to participate in YALSA. Details on the 2009 Road Trip, as well as an application to volunteer, are available online at

Applications are due to the YALSA office by Sept. 30.

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