PIO blog features ALA President Roy, Executive Director Fiels discussing the state of America's libraries

Contact: Steve Zalusky<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Manager of Communications,

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />ALA Public Information Office

(312) 280-1546


For Immediate Release,
April 15, 2008

PIO blog features ALA President Roy, Executive Director Fiels discussing the state of America's libraries

ALA-APA Director Grady talks about the importance of National Library Workers Day

CHICAGO – ALA President Loriene Roy and Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels discuss the state of America's libraries in interviews on the ALA Public Information Office’s blog, Visibility @ your library.

The video interviews with Roy and Fiels were developed in conjunction with the release of ALA's third annual State of America's Libraries report. ALA releases the report each year as part of National Library Week, celebrated April 13-19 this year.

The report says that libraries of all kinds are engines of learning, literacy and economic development in communities nationwide.

An important part of National Library Week is National Library Workers Day, which is celebrated today. In an audio interview, Grady highlights the importance of the annual event.

To learn more, click on http://www.pio.ala.org/visibility.

Visibility @ your library provides librarians and library supporters with news and information about important communications issues from ALA's Public Information Office and the Campaign for America's Libraries. In addition, you can access the latest edition of ALA News on the PIO blog.