LAMA offers new books
Contact: Fred Reuland
LAMA Marketing Specialist
For Immediate Release,
April 22, 2008
LAMA offers new books<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) has announced the publication of two new books by LAMA members.
“New Supervisors in Technical Services: A Management Guide Using Checklists,” edited by Emily Bergman and Andrea Kappler, is designed to help new supervisors get through tough management situations, such as negotiation and discipline, help them manage their time and staff and make plans for the future. The book guides readers through all they need to know as managers, whether working in public, academic, school or special libraries. The book also features practical checklists on a variety of management topics that can aid more experienced managers. Among the topics addressed are holding effective meetings, motivating employeesand setting priorities. Checklists are designed to help readers become more efficient managers year after year.
Editors Bergman, head of Collections and Technical Services at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Occidental College in Los Angeles, and Kappler, cataloging manager at Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library in Indiana, selected members of the LAMA Systems and Services Section’s Technical Services and Systems Committee to contribute individuals chapters. Authors represent public, academic and special libraries.
“Outstanding Library Public Relations: 60 Years of the John Cotton Dana Award,” by Amy Shaw and Peter Deekle, is the story of John Cotton Dana the man and the evolution of the award that bears his name. It is also a look at our changing times through the decades, their effect on the nature of public relations in society and in libraries and how the award winners were often a reflection of those trends. The book features contributions by experts in the field of library public relations. The authors share their views about marketing trends and technologies that may affect libraries in the future.
Shaw has worked in the field of public relations for 20 years. She is the public information officer for Southwest Public Libraries in Grove City, Ohio, a past-chair of the LAMA Public Relations and Marketing Section and a member of the John Cotton Dana judging committee. Deekle is the dean of library services at Roger Williams University, Bristol, R.i. and a former member of the John Cotton Dana judging committee.
For more than 60 years, the H.W. Wilson Company has presented the John Cotton Dana Award to honor libraries for achievement in public relations. Throughout this time, the company has consistently influenced and shaped the face of public relations in libraries by spotlighting the nature of excellent public relations.
“New Supervisors in Technical Services: A Management Guide Using Checklists” and “Outstanding Public Relations: 60 Years of the John Cotton Dana Award” are available through the ALA Online Store at For more information on these and other LAMA publications, go to
The mission of the Library Administration and Management Association ( is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices. LAMA is a division of the American Library Association.