ALA to embark on transition to new Web site information architecture in August

Contact: Steve Zalusky

Manager of Communications, PIO

(312) 280-1546


For Immediate Release

July 31, 2008

ALA to embark on transition to new Web site information architecture in August

CHICAGO – As it moves toward unveiling a redesigned Web site, the American Library Association (ALA) will spend August making the transition to the new information architecture.

During the next month, staff and volunteers will be focusing on getting the most frequently accessed pages into the new architecture.

While that happens, the ALA will leave its current Web site unchanged during the month of August. The exception will be the section with links to new press releases, which will continue to be updated.

Right after Labor Day weekend, ALA will “flip the switch” on the new ALA Web site, which will boast a new look and easier navigation. The redesign is the culmination of two years of gathering information from focus groups, interview, usability tests, surveys and other feedback loops.

By leaving the current Web site static, ALA will give staff and volunteer content creators and managers an opportunity to make the transition to the new information architecture.

Anyone interested in previewing the new Web site can visit

For more information on the transition, click on