ALCTS 2008 Division Award nominations sought
Contact: Charles Wilt
Executive Director, ALCTS
For Immediate Release
September 11, 2007
ALCTS 2008 Division Award nominations sought
CHICAGO - Nominations are being accepted for the 2008 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Division awards. ALCTS presents seven Division Awards to honor individuals whose work represents the finest achievements in research, collaboration, creative work, leadership and service in the field of library collections and technical services and to support travel for library support staff to attend the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference.
If you are interested in nominating a candidate for any of the awards, contact the chair of that award committee. The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is December 1, 2007.
Banks/Harris Preservation Award:
The award was established to honor the memory of Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris, early leaders in library preservation. The award, $1,500 and a citation, sponsored by Preservation Technologies, L.P., is given to a professional preservation specialist who has been active in the field of preservation and/or conservation for library and/or archival materials. Winners will be chosen based on: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national levels; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; evidence of studies or research in preservation; and training and mentoring in the field of preservation.
Send nominations, a formal statement of nomination that provides a strong rationale for the nomination by addressing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award, letters of support for the nomination and a complete resume for the nominee to: Rebecca Ryder, chair, Banks/Harris Jury,
Best of LRTS Award:
The award is given to the author(s) of the best paper published in Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), the official journal of ALCTS. The winner will receive a citation and $250 from ALCTS. Papers published in volume 51 (2007) are eligible for consideration, with the exception of official reports and documents, obituaries, letters to the editor and biographies of award winners. Each paper will be judged on the following points: content with a significant contribution about one or more issues addressed by ALCTS and its sections; statements in the paper are adequately supported by accurate data and/or documentation; and clear and readable writing style.
Send nominations, along with the title of the paper being nominated and the reasons for the nomination to: Randy Roeder, chair, Best of LRTS Jury,
Blackwell’s Scholarship Award:
The award honors an author or a group of authors who have written an outstanding monograph, article or original paper in the field of acquisitions, collection development or related areas of resource development in libraries. Blackwell’s will donate a $2,000 scholarship to the United States or Canadian library school of the winning author’s choice. The scholarship will be given to a student concentrating in the acquisitions or collection development areas. Publications from 2007 are eligible. Reprints of earlier publications will not be accepted. The evaluation criteria include: intellectual content; practical value; theoretical value; scholarship; presentation; and style.
Send nominations, along with a statement giving the full bibliographic citation of the article, book or paper being nominated and reasons for the nomination to: Kathleen Brown, chair, Blackwell’s Jury,
Outstanding Collaboration Citation:
This award recognizes and encourages collaborative problem-solving efforts in the areas of acquisition, access, management, preservation or archiving of library materials. It recognizes a demonstrated benefit from actions, services or products that improve and benefit providing and managing library collections. The citation may be presented to two or more individuals or groups who have participated jointly in an appropriate achievement. Accomplishments that expose problems may be as valuable as successes. The citation will be presented in a year when an achievement of merit has occurred. Recognized forms of collaboration must be between library personnel and other individuals or groups such as: publishers, vendors, cultural organizations, government agencies, philanthropic organizations and the like. Results of a collaborative effort must demonstrate advancement in collection management or technical services working environments.
Send nominations, along with written justification for the citation in terms of demonstrated outcomes in work achieved through actions, services or products; how the achievement contributed to the fulfillment of needs in the work of collection management or technical services and any other factors relevant to the merit of the achievement and two letters of recommendation to: Gracemary Smulewitz, chair, Citation Jury,
Esther J. Piercy Award:
This award, a $1,500 grant and citation donated by YBP, Inc., recognizes contributions to library collections and technical services by a librarian with no more than 10 years of professional experience who has shown outstanding promise for continuing contribution and leadership. Winners will be chosen based on accomplishments related to technical services and resources in such areas as: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national level; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; and conduct of studies or research in the technical services.
Send nominations, including, a statement giving the reasons for nomination, the date your nominee entered his or her first professional position and a resume or narrative career outline to: Eleanor Cook, chair, Piercy Jury,
Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award:
The award recognizes the contribution of a library leader who has demonstrated exceptional service to ALCTS and its areas of interest (acquisitions, cataloging and classification, collection management and development, preservation and reformatting, and serials). Selection of the winner is based on the person's accomplishments, as they relate to leadership including, but not limited to: recognized leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national level, with emphasis on ALCTS; acknowledged leader in and by the library community-at-large; significant contribution to professional literature; exemplary research in ALCTS areas; or recognition of achievements, e.g., awards, citations, etc. The award winner receives a citation honoring his/her contributions and a stipend of $3,000 generously donated by EBSCO. Nominees must be ALCTS members. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Send nominations, including, name, address, phone number and e-mail address of nominee and nominating party; a formal statement of nomination, with a rationale for the nomination; a resume, vita or extensive narrative career outline upon which the award jury can base its determinations; and letters of endorsement to: Mary Case, chair, Ross Atkinson Award Jury,
Sage Library Support Staff Travel Grants:
The Travel Grants (six to be awarded) make it possible for library support staff to attend the ALA Annual Conference to be held in the summer of 2008 in Anaheim, Calif. Sage Publications donates six grants of up to $1,000 to cover the expense of attending the conference which includes airfare, three nights lodging and conference registration for each recipient. Library Support Staff who currently are employed in a full time support staff position, have a minimum of three years of experience in an area of technical services (acquisitions, cataloging, collection development/management, preservation of library materials, serials) and have not previously attended an ALA annual conference are eligible for the grants. Successful candidates will be required to submit a brief report describing their experiences at the annual conference. This report will be published in the post-conference issue of the “ALCTS Newsletter Online” and also will be shared with the sponsor.
To apply, send a letter addressing the application criteria, brief resume and a short statement (ca. 250 words) outlining why attending the 2008 ALA Annual Conference would be beneficial. A letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor, indicating the employer’s support for the application also is required. Applications and the supervisor’s letter must be submitted in electronic format, with all parts emailed as Word attachments. The deadline for Sage materials is November 30. Send all documents to: Donna Cranmer, Sage Jury, For more information: contact Manuel Urrizola, chair, Sage Jury,
For additional information on the ALCTS awards, visit the ALCTS Web site at ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association (ALA).