LAMA Midwinter Institute in Philadelphia Focuses on Improving Project Managers

Contact: Fred Reuland

Marketing Specialist


For Immediate Release

October 23, 2007

LAMA Midwinter Institute in Philadelphia Focuses on Improving Project Managers

Learn how your projects can finish on time, under budget, at the level of quality you desire and with everyone involved still speaking by registering for the LAMA Midwinter Institute "Mission Possible: Practical Project Management," from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, Jan. 11, 2008, at the ALA midwinter meeting in Philadelphia, Pa. Pat Wagner, co-founder and consultant for Pattern Research, will present ways for attendees to become more resourceful and effective at project management, including setting benchmarks, negotiating responsibilities and creating shared priorities.

Participants will learn how an effective planning process can ensure improvement in the management of special projects, ongoing multiple projects and even personal time. Project failures will be used as a diagnostic tool for identifying personnel, budget, policy and communication issues that affect institutions every day. Participants will learn skills for identifying and correcting underlying problems in existing projects.

This program is open to anyone interested in improving their own project management skills and is especially helpful for teams of decision-makers and key frontline supervisors, managers and support staff.

Registration is $225 for LAMA members; $280 for ALA members; $135 for students or retired members; and $380 for nonmembers. Advance registration is available online through Nov. 30 at

The mission of the Library Administration and Management Association ( is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders, as well as develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices. LAMA is a division of the American Library Association.