Two advocacy programs available at 2008 ALA Midwinter Conference
Contacts: Marci Merola
Interim Director,
ALA Office for Library Advocacy
John Amundsen
Administrative Assistant
For Immediate Release
October 9, 2007
Two advocacy programs available at 2008 ALA Midwinter Conference
CHICAGO – Looking to improve your advocacy skills? Want to meet fellow library supporters from across the country? Get the tools to become an effective library advocate by taking advantage of the two advocacy programs offered during the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2008 Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia.
From 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 11, the Advocacy Institute will cover core advocacy skills, including message development and coalition building during the morning session. In the afternoon, following a collaborative luncheon with the Young Adult Library Service Association (YALSA), specialized breakout sessions will focus on making effective budget presentations, crisis communications, and passing bond issues/referenda. Attendees will leave with an action plan that they can implement in their communities or campuses. Advance online registration is $50 for members and non-members alike. Price includes lunch. To register, visit
On Saturday, January 12, “Creating Advocacy Leaders – An Advocacy Institute Train-the-Trainer program” will build upon lessons learned at the Advocacy Institute with an eye towards developing leaders in all types of libraries to lead advocacy programs. Whether you are a community organizer, networker, Web master, or advocacy presenter, this two-hour program will help you refine your skills and build and strengthen coalitions back home.
Both the Advocacy Institute and “Creating Advocacy Leaders” train-the-trainer are coordinated by the Office for Library Advocacy and the Advocacy Institute Task Force of the ALA Public Awareness Committee and the Library Advocacy Now! Training Subcommittee in cooperation with the ALA Public Information Office (PIO), the Association for Library Trustees and Advocates (ALTA), the Chapter Relations Committee, the Committee on Legislation, and Friends of Libraries USA (FOLUSA).
For more information, please visit