Library workers urged to participate in survey of workplace wellness

Contact: Jenifer Grady

ALA-APA Director


For Immediate Release,

November 13, 2007

Library workers urged to participate in survey of

workplace wellness

CHICAGO - The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) is encouraging library employees to participate in its Library Workplace Wellness online survey. The survey provides an important opportunity for library employees to share information about the availability of, and their participation in, work/life options in libraries around the nation. The online survey, available at, will be available through Dec. 14.

"Like many other professions, we know that library workers experience stressors of doing more with less, increasing expectations from users and information overload," said ALA-APA Director Jenifer Grady. "We publish articles in Library Worklife about how employees can help themselves achieve work-life balance, but we want to know what library administrations and employees themselves are doing to help staff improve their health and reduce stress."

The results of the survey will provide important information about the depth and scope of work-life initiatives offered in American libraries. ALA-APA also hopes that the survey will raise awareness of work-life possibilities like alternative work schedules, wellness classes, health screenings and onsite childcare, which can significantly improve employer recruitment and retention as well as increase the quality of life for employees.

ALA-APA supports efforts that improve the salaries and status of all library employees. For additional information about ALA-APA, contact the ALA-APA Director, Jenifer Grady, at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2424, or visit
ALA-APA's Web site.
