YALSA announces publication of “Get Connected”

Contact: Stephanie Kuenn
Communications Specialist
For Immediate Release
May 25, 2007

YALSA announces publication of “Get Connected”

CHICAGO -Preorders are open now for “Get Connected: Tech Programs for Teens,” published by Neal-Schuman and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest-growing division of the American Library Association (ALA). “Get Connected” will be available on June 13, 2007.

Borrowing its title from the Teen Tech Week™ theme, “Get Connected” offers tried-and-true, practical tips for young adult library workers seeking to incorporate technology into their programs and services. Topics include recreation- and education-based programs, working with special teen populations, drawing young readers in the social networking scene, tips for working with teen advisory groups and YALSA’s innovative ideas for celebrating Teen Tech Week.

“This collection will inspire more libraries to use the resources they already have to attract teens to the library and to help teens use the technology safely and more completely,” said author RoseMary Honnold. “Program collections are like cookbooks; a program description is a recipe. You can follow them exactly or use them as starting points and tweak to suit your unique audience’s tastes. Teens will love a program customized to their interests and needs.”

“Get Connected: Tech Programs for Teens,” by RoseMary Honnold for the Young Adult Library Services Association (ISBN: 1-55570-613-4, ISBN-13: 978-1-55570-613-5), costs $45.00 and is available for purchase on Neal-Schuman’s Web site, www.neal-schuman.com or by calling 1-866-NS-BOOKS. Discounts are available for YALSA members. For review copies, please contact Janice Bevilacqua, Marketing Associate, at janice@neal-schuman.com.

Honnold, who has been the young adult services coordinator at the Coshocton Public Library in Ohio since 1998, speaks and publishes extensively on young adult services. “Get Connected” is her fifth book (and her fourth on teen services). A longtime YALSA member, Honnold chaired the 2007 Excellence Task Force and will serve on the 2008 President’s Program Committee.

For 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos, and audio books for teens. For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390; or e-mail: yalsa@ala.org.