Updated Service Responses available for download from PLA

Contact: Kathleen Hughes

PLA, Manager of Publications

For Immediate Release
May 10, 2007

Updated Service Responses available for download from PLA

CHICAGO – The Public Library Association (PLA) is pleased to announce that the updated Service Responses now are available for download at the ALA Online Store (www.alastore.ala.org). The PDF document, which includes comprehensive descriptions of 18 new and revised Service Responses, is available to ALA members for $22.50 ($25.00 for non-members).

In 1997, the publication “Planning for Results: A Public Library Transformation Process” included 13 Service Responses, which were defined as “what a library does for, or offers to, the public in an effort to meet a set of well-defined community needs.”

As communities change, library responses have adapted. In 2006, PLA Results series editors Sandra Nelson and June Garcia initiated a process to revise the 1997 Service Responses by soliciting input from librarians, library staff, and library trustees though meetings and online review and discussion on the PLA Blog (www.plablog.org). The resulting 18 new and revised Services Responses were completed in February 2007.

The Revised Service Responses, along with other titles from PLA’s popular Results series may be ordered online at www.alastore.ala.org or by calling the ALA Store (1-866-746-7252). For more information on PLA publications, contact the PLA office at 800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA, or visit PLA’s Web site at www.pla.org.

PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.