ALSC's Kids! @ your library® Campaign tool kit continues to grow
Contact: Laura Schulte-Cooper
ALSC Program Officer
For Immediate Release
May 22, 2007
ALSC’s Kids! @ your library® Campaign tool kit continues to grow
(CHICAGO) The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, has added new resources to its Kids! @ your library® online tool kit at
The campaign’s extensive tool kit, produced by librarians for librarians, contains free resources for promoting the library and its services to children and their families. The latest materials added to the kit include:
Spanish-language resources. The So Much to See. So Much to Do. @ your library® logo is available in Spanish in black and white, color, high and low resolution versions. The list of Top Ten Things for Kids to Do @ your library® also has been translated into Spanish. Print-ready public service advertisements in various sizes, scripts for audio public service announcements and word search puzzles with library themes also are available in Spanish.
A list of “Top Ten Ways to Use Bill Harley’s “At Your Library” Song in Your Library and Community” provides examples of how libraries can use the upbeat song to grab attention—play the song when classes visit the library, incorporate the song’s short version in morning announcements at school, or air the song during outreach events, such as county fairs, school career days, or family literacy nights, to name a few.
A story theater script—The Chicken and the Librarian—adapted by Dianne de Las Casas and used with her permission, can be downloaded and used for library/school/community events.
Kids! @ your library® Best Practice Wiki at provides a free, open space where librarians can share how they have successfully used campaign materials within their libraries and communities.
ALSC encourages libraries large and small to visit the Kids! @ your library® Campaign Web site at and take advantage of the free materials, resources and ideas.