ALA councilors elected
Contact: Lois Ann Gregory-Wood
Council Secretariat
ALA Governance Office
For Immediate Release
May 1, 2007
ALA councilors elected
CHICAGO - Forty-one members have been elected to the Council of the American Library Association (ALA) for three-year terms. The terms begin at the conclusion of the 2007 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., and extend through the end of the 2010 Annual Conference held again in Washington, D.C.
The 2007 - 2010 Councilors-at-Large are:
- Ismail Abdullahi
- Gladys Smiley Bell
- James B. Casey
- Diane R. Chen
- Catharine Cook
- John C. DeSantis
- Nadine M. Flores
- Sarah Flowers
- Elaine Harger
- Amy Harmon
- Allene Hayes
- Janet Swan Hill
- Susan Hill
- Sue Kamm
- Em Claire Knowles
- Bernard A. Margolis
- Heather T. McClure
- Barbara Miller
- Catherine L. Murray-Rust
- Melora Ranney Norman
- M.A. (Peg) Oettinger
- Charles Pace
- Brenda Pruitt Annisette
- Cristina Ramirez
- Elizabeth Ann Ridler
- Susan Roman
- Annemarie Roscello
- Kay Runge
- Lynn Strickland
- Patricia A. Wand
- Thomas L. Wilding
- J. Linda Williams
- Liana H. Zhou
ALA Divisions
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
Locke J. Morrisey
Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)
Kendall French Wiggin
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
Colby Mariva Riggs
ALA Round Tables
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table (GLBTRT)
John C. Sandstrom
Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)
Mary Mallory
Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)
Timothy P. Grimes
Library Research Round Table (LRRT)
Sarah M. Pritchard
Library Support Staff Interests Round Table (LSSIRT)
Jennifer S. Kutzik
Two proposed bylaw amendments were approved:
- To amend ALA Bylaw Article III. Nominations and Elections. Section 2(a) to read: "The ALA Nominating Committee shall report its nominations at the midwinter meeting of the Council. The final list of the candidates’ names shall be reported in American Libraries."
- To amend ALA Bylaw Article III. Nominations and Elections, Section 4., by renumbering Section 4(b) to Section 4(c) and inserting a new Section 4(b) to read: "For every election of the Association, the Committee on Election shall establish a closing date for the membership list. Only members in good standing on that date shall receive a ballot and shall be entitled to vote."
A total of 15,031 votes were cast in the election. Council, Division and Round Table elections also were decided.
For complete election results, please visit: