Choice celebrates launch of Choice Reviews Online Version 2.0 by awarding iPod Nanos to two Choice customers

Media Contact: Rachel Zippin
Choice Magazine
Marketing Specialist
860-347-6933 x124
For Immediate Release
March 5, 2007

Choice celebrates launch of Choice Reviews Online Version 2.0

Middletown, Conn. – Choice Magazine, a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), is pleased to announce the two winners of the iPod Nanos that were raffled off at the 2007 ALA Midwinter Conference in Seattle: Alyssa Marten, Troy University and Ann Brownson, Eastern Illinois University. Choice Magazine held a contest for two iPod Nanos to promote the revised Choice Reviews Online – version 2.0.

“A large prize giveaway had never been done at Choice before,” said Rachel Zippin, marketing specialist for Choice. “We felt with the exciting launch of our newly revised Web-site, an equally exciting prize to give away at the Midwinter Conference would be very fitting.”

Everyone who came to the Choice booth to swipe their ExpoCard (a plastic card with a magnetic strip that stores every attendee’s information, e.g., name, company, address, etc.) and answer a few questions became eligible for entry into the iPod Nano drawing. The questions were asked to determine who is currently a Choice Reviews Online subscriber as well as a Choice magazine subscriber. The information from the survey questions will be used as a marketing tool to get new subscriptions as well as to help keep in touch with current users to get feedback on the revised Web-site.

The newly revised Choice Reviews Online includes:

* New user-friendly interface

* Advanced search capabilities using 11 different sort criteria

* Expanded content that includes bibliographic essays, more than 115,000 searchable Choice reviews, feature articles, forthcoming titles lists and Web exclusives

* Ability to save, download, and print searches

* Individual user profiles to keep your own personalized lists

* Interactive Advertiser Index

Founded in 1964, Choice is a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). The leading academic review journal, Choice is best known for its print and electronic publications, Choice magazine and Choice Reviews Online. Each year Choice publishes more than 6,500 concise, critical, expert reviews of new scholarly books and electronic sources in fields across the entire college curriculum. For more information visit

ACRL is a division of the American Library Association, representing 13,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.