LITA President's Program to explore online digital audio collections and Penn Tags

Contact: Mary Taylor
Executive Director, LITA
For Immediate Release
June 5, 2007

LITA President’s Program to explore online digital audio collections and Penn Tags

CHICAGO – The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) President’s Program, entitled Tag! Your IT!: Online Digital Audio Collections Meet PennTags, will take place Sunday, June 24, 2007, 4-5 pm, at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel’s Grand Ballroom. Chuck Haddix, Marr Sound archivist at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Michael Winkler, director of Information Technology and Digital Development of the University of Pennsylvania, will be the featured speakers.

The President’s Program is a combination of two “hot topics” - digital audio libraries and the social tagging system PennTags. Historic sound recordings are an important part of our national heritage. Digitizing historic recorded sound collections for use on the web requires extensive indexing and access points. Using social bookmarking and tagging in combination with standard subject classification and indexing terms to create folksonomies creates a rich networking of resources that enhances access to the collection.

Chuck Haddix will present The Voices of World War II collection as a case study of the creation of a digital library rich in historic spoken word and music recordings and the integration of digital library records into the online catalog for enhanced access. Michael Winkler will discuss PennTags using the UMKC digital audio collections to illustrate how it provides increased access. PennTags is a social bookmarking system that enables the creation of personalized, shared annotated bibliographies of resources in the library catalog, licensed databases, digital libraries and other Web resources using a combination of subject headings, index terms, and personally assigned tags. PennTags is being enhanced to provide specialized capabilities for tagging sound recordings.

LITA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), with more than 4,000 members, has been serving the needs of the library and information technology community since 1966. Its mission is to educate, serve, and reach out to that community through its programs, publications and other activities.