Best of ALA-APA Library Worklife newsletter sent to ALA members

Contact: Jenifer Grady
For Immediate Release
June 8, 2007

Best of ALA-APA Library Worklife newsletter sent to ALA members

Chicago – The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees (ALA-APA) is sending out a free special issue of its electronic newsletter, Library Worklife: HR E-News for Today’s Leaders. Twenty-six of the most popular articles from the past 3.5 years are being emailed to American Library Association (ALA) individual and institutional members.

Articles cover topics as diverse as successful pay raises in libraries, determining your transferable skills, whether library degrees matter for directors, how to fire someone the right way, recruiting diverse candidates and avoiding job burnout.

ALA members received free issues from January through June of 2004; the issues are still available in full-text without a login and password. Everyone is invited to peruse the Special Issue by visiting

The newsletter is a benefit for ALA institutional members and $35/year for individual members. Students can subscribe for just $15. Institutions that are not receiving the newsletter should contact ALA Member and Customer Service by phone at 800-545-2433 ext 5 to give an email address for the monthly alerts.

Library Worklife authors are well-known in their fields, newcomers to librarianship as well as contributors from other professions like lawyers, authors and consultants. Submissions should be sent to and guidelines may be found at

ALA-APA: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees is a service organization to the American Library Association and the library community. It has two missions: advocacy for salary improvement efforts and providing certification in specializations of librarianship.