ACRL publishes “Global Evolution”

Contact: Dawn Mueller
Production Editor, ACRL
For Immediate Release
June 19, 2007

ACRL publishes “Global Evolution”

CHICAGO —The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is proud to announce the publication of “Global Evolution: A Chronological Annotated Bibliography of International Students in U.S. Academic Libraries,” by Kaetrena D. Davis of Georgia State University in Atlanta.

Current literature brings up new questions about what international students expect from their American academic library and what kind of library skills they have (research or otherwise). At last count, there are 193 countries and 61 colonies in the world, all with their own languages, cultural traditions, and racial and ethnic groups. Therefore, the answers to these questions have the potential to be numerous, and can only serve as helpful guidelines at best.

This chronological, annotated bibliography shows the evolution of the issues concerning undergraduate and graduate international students in American academic libraries and contains many possible guidelines and ideas for meeting the basic and advanced information needs of an increasingly diverse patron group. From library orientation and information literacy to programming and outreach, the gathered information covers over 40 years of articles, dissertations, theses, book chapters, books, other bibliographies, and even multimedia.

This is the first of a series of publications to be offered both online and in print form. To order, go to the ACRL Web site at (Click on Publications / Books & Monographs). ACRL members receive a 10 percent discount on any purchase.

ACRL, a division of the American Library Association, represents 13,500 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic and research libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.