ALA awards deadline extended
Contact: Cheryl Malden
Program Officer
(312) 280-3247
For Immediate Release
January 9, 2007
ALA awards deadline extended
CHICAGO - The deadline has been extended to February 2 for several American Library Association (ALA) awards and grants including: the Beta Phi Mu Award, the Melvil Dewey Medal, the Equality Award, the Thomson Gale Group Financial Development Award, the Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship, the Sullivan Award for Public Library Administrators Supporting Services to Children and the H.W. Wilson Library Staff Development Grant.
· Beta Phi Mu is presented to a faculty member of a library school or an individual for distinguished service to education in librarianship. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honorary Society (
· Melvil Dewey Medal honors an individual or group for a recent creative professional achievement in library management, training, cataloging and classification and the tools and techniques of librarianship. The award includes a Dewey Medal and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated OCLC/Forest Press, Inc. (
· Equality Award honors an individual or group for an outstanding contribution that promotes equality in the library profession. The award includes $500 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Scarecrow Press, Inc. (
· Thomson Gale Group Financial Development Award is given to a library organization that exhibited meritorious achievement in carrying out a library financial development project to secure new funding resources for a public or academic library. The award includes $2,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated by Thomson Gale Inc. (
· Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship honors an individual for contributing significantly to the public recognition and appreciation of librarianship through professional performance, teaching and/or writing. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated by Ken Haycock. (
· Sullivan Award for Public Library Administrators Supporting Services to Children honors an individual who has shown exceptional understanding and support of public library service to children while having general management/supervisory/administrative responsibility that has included public library service to children in its scope. The recipient will receive a plaque and recognition artifact. The donor is Peggy Sullivan. (
· The H.W. Wilson Library Staff Development Grant is awarded to a library organization for a program to further its staff development goals and objectives. The award includes $3,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated by the H.W. Wilson Company (
For general information about these and other ALA awards, visit