PLA announces 2007 institutional scholarship winners
Contact: Barbara Macikas
PLA, Deputy Director
For Immediate Release
February 7, 2007
PLA announces 2007 institutional scholarship winners
CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA) has announced the winners of its “Grow Your Own @ Your Library” institutional scholarship pilot program.
This highly competitive program was developed to address the educational needs of public library staff working toward the ultimate goal of obtaining a master’s degree in library and information science. This year, PLA awarded nine public libraries with grants of $8,000 each to be distributed to staff members who are working to obtain a master’s degree in library and information science. One library from each of the nine Public Library Data Service (PLDS) population categories was selected:
1) Service population of 1 million and over: Dallas (Texas) Public Library
2) Service population of 500,000-999,999: Palm Beach County (Fla.)Library System
3) Service population of 250,000-499,999: Chesterfield County (Va.) Public Library
4) Service population of 100,000-249,999: Hall County (Ga.) Library System
5) Service population of 50,000-99,999: Daviess County (Ky.) Public Library
6) Service population of 25,000-49,999: Northwest Regional Library (N.D.)
7) Service population of 10,000-24,999: Dunham (N.Y.) Public library
8) Service population of 5,000-9,999: Decorah (Iowa) Public library
9) Service population under 5,000: Upper Skagit (Wash.) Library District
For more information on the “Grow Your Own @ Your Library” institutional scholarship program, contact the PLA office at 800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA, or visit PLA’s Web site at PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve, and its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.