AASL launches wiki to gather member feedback on draft learning standards

Contact: Kathy Agarwal
Communications Specialist
For Immediate Release
February 26, 2007

AASL launches wiki to gather member feedback on draft learning standards

CHICAGO – In order to recognize the changing role of school library media programs now and in the future, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is developing new learning standards for school library media programs.

On March 1, 2007, AASL is launching an interactive wiki about the new standards and invites members to make live changes to the draft document.

The AASL Learning Standards Rewrite Task Force has presented two drafts to the profession for input and comments: the first one in November 2006 and the second one at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle in January 2007.

“The task force invites everyone interested to participate in creating this important document for our future,” said Gail K. Dickinson, task force co-chair. “We urge those who have already provided feedback on past drafts, as well as those who have not had a chance to comment, to use the wiki and add their ideas to the draft.”

In addition to the draft for edit, the task force has posted two additional versions of the draft learning standards as read-only supporting documents. They are available on the wiki page.

The AASL Learning Standards Rewrite Task Force will be following the progress of the draft and will carefully consider all edits and suggestions when the editing period ends on March 15, 2007. General comments may be sent to learningstandards@ala.org.

The members of the AASL Learning Standards Task Force include co-chairs Gail K. Dickinson and Cassandra Barnett, Eugene Hainer, Melissa P. Johnston, Marcia A. Mardis, and Barbara K. Stripling.

The American Association of School Librarians, www.aasl.org, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library media services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library media field.