American Society of Business Publications Editors awards American Libraries Direct gold prize

Contact: Leonard Kniffel

American Libraries Editor in Chief

For Immediate Release

August 7, 2007

American Society of Business Publications Editors awards American Libraries Direct gold prize

CHICAGO - The American Society of Business Publications Editors (ASBPE) has awarded American Libraries Direct (AL Direct) first prize in the “E-newsletter” category in ASBPE’s 29th Annual Awards competition. Launched in January 2006, the membership e-newsletter of the American Library Association (ALA) was cited for General Excellence. AL Direct Editor George M. Eberhart accepted the award at the society’s National Editorial Conference in New York City August 2.

“ASBPE’s competition recognizes the hard work and commitment of business and professional magazine, newsletter, and Web editors and designers. Such an award is a most prestigious acknowledgement that your work has met high standards of excellence and is at the top of your profession,” said the citation.

“We are delighted to be honored with this award,” Eberhart said, “especially since there are so many talented editors and designers in both the corporate and nonprofit worlds who are putting out other high-quality electronic newsletters. It’s nice to be told you are on the cutting edge.”

Also recognized for their contributions to AL Direct were Production Editor Karen Sheets, who led the design project, and American Libraries (AL) Associate Editor Daniel Kraus and Editorial Assistant Greg Landgraf.

American Libraries Editor in Chief Leonard Kniffel said, “On behalf of the entire staff of American Libraries and the Publishing Department of the American Library Association, I thank the American Society of Business Publications Editors for recognizing the exceptional work of George Eberhart, whose news sense, work ethic, and sense of humor have, in a year and a half, established AL Direct as the most popular membership benefit to come out of ALA in many years.”

AL Direct is sent to nearly 50,000 ALA members every Wednesday. It features U.S. and international news, news of the Association and its divisions and round tables, notices of library-related surveys and reports, videos produced for the American Libraries Focus Web site, and selected reviews from Booklist Online, as well as informative and entertaining tidbits from news sources around the Web. A new feature, “Digital Library of the Week,” was launched in August.