Librarian Salary Survey reports median librarian salary up 2.8 percent to $57,809 in 2007; non-MLS position salaries also reported
Contact: Jenifer Grady
Director, ALA-APA
For Immediate Release
August 28, 2007
Librarian Salary Survey reports mean librarian salary up 2.8 percent
to $57,809 in 2007; non-MLS position salaries also reported
CHICAGO - Results from the 2007 edition of the “ALA-APA Salary Survey: Librarian - Public and Academic” and “ALA-APA Salary Survey: Non-MLS - Public and Academic” are now available in two ways – immediately for subscribers to the ALA-APA Library Salary Database ( and in print in August from the American Library Association (ALA) online store ( Analysis of data from more than 800 public and academic libraries showed the mean salary for librarians with ALA-accredited Master’s Degrees increased 2.8 percent from 2006, up $1,550 to $57,809. The median ALA MLS salary was $53,000. Salaries ranged from $22,048 to $225,000.
For the first time the non-MLS salary survey data, including 62 non-MLS positions, reported salaries for staff employed as librarians but who do not have ALA-accredited Master’s Degrees in Library Science. Non-MLS salaries ranged $10,712 to $143,700. Both printed surveys also indicate the minimal educational requirement for each position.
Published by the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA), the survey shows aggregated data from more than 7,500 ALA-MLS librarians and almost 20,000 non-MLS individual salaries at the state and regional levels. Librarian positions included are directors/deans, associate/assistant directors, department heads, managers of support staff, librarians who do not supervise and beginning librarians. Non-MLS positions are library specific (e.g. library technical assistants and clerks by functional area, bookmobile drivers, collection development managers) and non-library specific (e.g. senior accountants, administrative assistants, proposal writers, human resources managers, information technology managers).
The survey gives national-level mean and quartile data. These printed reports include analysis of salary trends and an extensive appendix of other sources of compensation data within and outside of the library profession.
“The Librarian Salary Survey” continues more than 20 years of collecting and reporting salary data for six positions requiring an ALA-accredited master's degree in library science. The Non-MLS Salary Survey has been published since 2006.
“The Librarian Salary Survey” price remains unchanged at $63 for ALA members/$70 for non-members. Participating libraries receive a 25 percent discount. “The Non-MLS Salary Survey” is $90 for ALA members/$100 for non-members and participating libraries receive a 25 percent discount. Database users may subscribe online at Print purchasers may order through the ALA Store at
Both surveys were completed with consultation from Denise Davis, director of the ALA Office for Research and Statistics, and conducted by The Management Association of Illinois.
The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association: the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees is a service organization to the American Library Association and has as one of its missions supporting salary improvement initiatives for library workers. Please contact the ALA-APA Office at 800-545-2433, x2424 or with questions or comments.