Freedom to Read Foundation announces organizational membership category

Contact: Judith Krug
Director, Office for Intellectual Freedom

For Immediate Release
September 18, 2006

Freedom to Read Foundation announces organizational membership category

CHICAGO - As part of its effort to meet increasing challenges to intellectual freedom, the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) has established an organizational membership category.
This new dues structure offers libraries, businesses, and nonprofits a greater opportunity to support librarians throughout the country who are facing attempts to restrict access to library materials and services.

The Foundation is engaging simultaneously in a membership recruitment campaign intended to increase its overall base of support significantly.

"In the wake of high-profile cases like the Communications Decency Act (CDA) and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), it is clear that the Freedom to Read Foundation must build on our ability to respond rapidly to challenges to the freedom of expression and access to information," said FTRF President John W. Berry.
"We invite those institutions that share our passion for these freedoms to be a part of our growth.
We want to be prepared when the next big case hits."

Berry observed that no organization has done more to defend and advance the First Amendment in libraries than the Freedom to Read Foundation.
At the same time, a surprising number of librarians and free speech supporters don't know about the remarkable successes the Foundation has had since its inception in 1969.
FTRF has played a crucial role in cases that have kept books on library shelves and in schools; affirmed the privacy rights of library patrons and bookstore customers; and recognized the freedom to communicate online.

Starting September 1, 2006, organizations that join or renew their FTRF memberships can do so at a minimum level of $100 annually.
Additional organizational membership levels are $250, $500, and $1,000 per year.
Personal memberships will continue at $35 per year for regular members, $50 for contributing members, $100 for sponsors, $500 for patrons, and $1,000 for benefactors.
Membership includes a subscription to the Freedom to Read Foundation quarterly newsletter and a vote in the annual FTRF trustee election.

For additional information contact the Freedom to Read Foundation, 50 East Huron, Chicago, Illinois 60611; call 1-800-545-2433 x 4226 or e-mail: