ALA promotes online voter registration

Joan Claffey
Director, Development Office

For Immediate Release
October 6, 2006

ALA promotes online voter registration

CHICAGO - In a joint effort to make registering to vote easier and more convenient for eligible Americans, the American Library Association (ALA) is participating in GoVote, a project of Working Assets and Mobile Voter. Throughout the 2006 national election season, ALA will host on its Web site a link to the initiative, where individuals can click to register to vote or update their voter registration information.

Using the bilingual, nonpartisan site, people can register any time, from virtually anywhere-via conventional web browser, mobile phone browser and text messaging. People also can send email reminders to family and friends and sign up for information about volunteer opportunities in their local communities. Deadlines for voter registration vary by state, and a full list of registration deadlines can be found at:

"Libraries are a vital part of the American democratic landscape," said ALA President Leslie Burger. "They serve the public by connecting citizens to valuable information regardless of economic status." Beyond providing library users with the resources they need to make smart and informed voting decision, ALA encourages its members to become registered voters and to promote the voter registration site in their local libraries.

Working Assets is a long distance, wireless, and credit card company. In 2003 and 2004, Working Assets launched and ran a campaign that registered over 1 million new voters.

Founded in 2004, Mobile Voter is a non-profit, non-partisan organization seeking to facilitate the process of civic participation via mobile technology.

For more information about ALA's participation in, please contact Joan Claffey at 1-800-545-2433, extension 3215. If you have technical questions about using the site, contact GoVote by email at
or by phone at 1-877-205-8683.