ALA launches new member satisfaction survey
Larra Clark
ALA Media Relations Manager
For Immediate Release
October 3, 2006
ALA launches new member satisfaction survey
(CHICAGO) Starting today, the American Library Association (ALA) will go back to its members to survey progress since the first-ever member satisfaction survey was conducted in 2004.
The 2006 survey will be sent to a representative sample of ALA members October 3, and respondents will have about six weeks to reply.
The study complements, but is separate from, the online Web site usability survey recently completed.
"What's the best way to find out how we're doing? Ask our members," said ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels. "We learned a lot from the 2004 survey about what members liked - and didn't like - about the association's services. We've made a lot of changes for the better based on the 2004 survey and look forward to finding out from members how we can do even better in the future."
Using the 2004 survey, the association developed a service improvement plan, which informed training for ALA staff, as well as the improvement of the Web site, online tools for membership renewal and conference registration.
Results from the 2006 survey will help shape implementation of the "Organizational Excellence" goal in ALA's Ahead to 2010 Strategic Plan. ALA has committed in this plan to be "an inclusive, effectively governed, well-managed, and financially strong organization."
Members are encouraged to respond to the survey if selected to receive it. Responses will have a lasting impact on the day-to-day management of the association and staff interaction with members.