ACRL releases new book on student engagement and information literacy

Contact: Dawn Mueller
Production Editor, ACRL

For Immediate Release
October 24, 2006

ACRL releases new book on student

engagement and information literacy

CHICAGO -The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is pleased to announce the publication of "Student Engagement and Information Literacy," edited by Craig Gibson. This publication addresses information literacy in a framework inspired by higher education scholarship and dialogue as it relates to student engagement.

Articles are based on what librarians and faculty know about how students learn, how different learning environments affect engagement, and how different groups on campuses can collaborate on student engagement and learning. Contributors range from administrators, faculty members, and librarians to professional association vice-presidents.

"This book explores important facets of the symbiotic and necessary relationship between the engaged learner and the process of inquiry that is the essence of information literacy," said Oswald Ratteray, associate director for communication, Middle States Commission on Higher Education. "It is this synergy that leads a student toward understanding and eventually enables the student to transform both self and others."

Included are essays on the pedagogies of engagement, reviews of data from librarian-centered focus groups regarding their use of the National Survey of Student Engagement, theories on information literacy as a deeper way of thinking, research on the characteristics and values of contemporary students and case studies on how student engagement and information literacy can coalesce in innovative curricular programming.

Ordering information can be found on the ACRL Web site at ACRL members receive a 10% discount on any purchase.

ACRL is a division of the American Library Association (ALA), representing more than 13,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.