ALA President Gorman to host Forum on International Library Education at ALA Annual Conference

Contact: Elizabeth Dreazen
ALA Governance Office
For Immediate Release
May 2, 2006

ALA President Gorman to host Forum on International Library Education at ALA Annual Conference

(CHICAGO) American Library Association (ALA) President Michael Gorman will convene a half-day Forum on International Library Education Friday, June 23 from 2 to 5 p.m. as part of the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, June 22-28.

A distinguished faculty of library educators from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America will present papers and lead panel discussions exploring issues in library education in the international arena:
What are the similarities and differences between librarianship in the United States and abroad?
What can we learn from library educators in other countries?
How can library educators from around the world work together to develop programs that will adequately prepare 21st century librarians to work in a global environment?

ALA conference attendees may register using the online registration form at
There is no fee to register for this event.

The program continues the dialog on library education that began at the Forum on Education for Librarianship that Gorman sponsored at ALA 2006 Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
The forum attracted nearly 500 educators and practitioners, the largest such gathering at ALA in many years.