Brehm-Heeger elected YALSA vice president

Contact: Nichole Gilbert
Program Officer

For Immediate Release
May 9, 2006

Brehm-Heeger elected YALSA vice president

CHICAGO - Paula Brehm-Heeger, teen services coordinator at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA).
She will assume office following the 2006 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in New Orleans.

In her new role as YALSA vice president/president-elect, Brehm-Heeger looks forward to continuing to spread the word about the necessity of teen services.

"I believe this is an exciting and crucial moment for YALSA, a time when our message - that service to teens is an integral part of the future of libraries - is reaching a wide audience, both within and outside the library community," said Brehm-Heeger.
"I am humbled and honored to have been elected as vice president/president-elect of the division at such an important time and look forward to continuing to spread YALSA's message!"

Brehm-Heeger has held numerous positions in ALA and YALSA including chair of YALSA's Teen Advisory Group Site (TAGS) Committee. She also has been a member of many committees, including Intellectual Freedom, Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults, and Partnerships Advocating for Teens. She is a current member of the Ohio Library Council's YA Division.

Working in public libraries for more than a decade, Brehm-Heeger began as a student assistant in her hometown of Cincinnati at the age of 18.
After completing her MLS at Indiana University, Brehm-Heeger began her career as a children's librarian with the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library.
After her initial start in children's services, she quickly found that her passion lay in working with teens.
She followed that passion to her next position with the Kansas City (Mo.) Public Library, where she worked with young people from birth to age 18 as a youth services librarian.
In 2000, she and her husband decided to move back to Cincinnati. In 2002, she became the Public Library of Cincinnati's Teen Services Coordinator, a newly created position.

For nearly 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos, and audio books for teens.
For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390; or e-mail: